Corks from Polish wines

It is a series of meetings aimed at learning about the various wine-producing regions in Poland and their best producers.

The guides on this wine journey are the winemakers themselves. It is moderated by Maciej Nowicki / Ferment / Winicjatywa. The meetings assume the form of a casual conversation combined with a tasting of wines and farmstead cheeses.


vol. 23: Kamil Barczentewicz Winery
and cheeses Mleczna Doga i Żeby Kózka
vol. 24: Miłosz Winery and cheeses Qzko
vol. 25: Wieliczka Winery and cheeses Baba Jagła
vol. 26: Jadwiga Winery and cheeses: Krowa ze Strzeszowa i Kozie sery Honoraty


vol. 14: Michał Pajdosz from Jakubów Winery and cheeses from Wańczykówki
vol. 13: Elżbieta, Dariusz, Karol Nizio z Dworu Sanna (wine and cheeses) 
vol. 12: Anna i Artur Kojder/ Kojder Winery and cheeses from Ecokolonia Farm


vol. 14: Michał Pajdosz from Jakubów Winery and cheeses from Wańczykówki
vol. 13: Elżbieta, Dariusz, Karol Nizio z Dworu Sanna (wine and cheeses) 
vol. 12: Anna i Artur Kojder/ Kojder Winery and cheeses from Ecokolonia Farm


vol. 11:
Sylwia Herbsztajn i Leopold Będkowski/ Skarpa Dobrska Winery and cheeses from Żeby Kózka Farm
vol. 10:
Sonia Mazurek /  Silesian Winery and cheeses from Kozłonoga
vol. 9: Nestor Kościański / Moderna Winery and Piotr Andruszko / Żar Wino
vol. 8: Piotr Jaskóła / Wieliczka Winery and cheeses from Państwo Maziejukowie
vol. 7: Barbara i Marcin Płochoccy / Płochoccy Winery and Serownia Podłazy
vol. 6: Zbigniew i Jacek Turnauowie / Turnau Winery and cheeses from Państwo Szczupakowie